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韦俊博士,1987年生,籍贯福建,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)获得者,中国医学科学院血液病医院(中国医学科学院血液学研究所)实验血液学国家重点实验室研究员,博士生导师。2008年和2013年于南开大学生命科学学院毕业,分别获得生命科学学士学位和生物化学与分子生物学博士学位。2013年至2021年在美国St. Jude Children's Research Hospital进行博士后研究并先后任职Staff Scientist和Scientific Manager。2021年3月入职血研所任研究员。


研究方向为T细胞介导的免疫应答与免疫耐受,解析生理及病理状态下T细胞命运与功能特化的机制,揭示免疫应答及免疫耐受建立和重构的新理论和新策略,为重大疾病的治疗提供基础。研究成果在Nature、Nature Immunology等杂志上发表。




1. Long L#, Wei J#, Lim SA, Raynor J, Shi H, Connelly JP, Wang H, Guy C, Xie B, Chapman NW, Fu G, Wang Y, Huang H, Su W, Saravia J, Risch I, Wang Y-D, Li Y, Niu M, Dhungana Y, KC A, Zhou P, Vogel P, Yu J, Pruett-Miller SM, Peng J, Chi H. (2021) CRISPR screens unveil signal hubs for nutrient licensing of T cell immunity. Nature, 600(7888):308-313

2. Lim SA#, Wei J#, Nguyen TM, Shi H, Su W, Palacios G, Dhungana Y, Chapman NM, Long L, Saravia J, Vogel P, Chi H. (2021) Lipid signalling enforces functional specialization of Treg cells in tumours. Nature, 591(7849):306-311 (Selected by News and Views, Nature, 591(7849):204-206, 2021; F1000 recommended article)

3. Wei J, Zheng W, Chapman NW, Geiger TL, Chi H. (2021) T cell metabolism in homeostasis and cancer immunity. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 68:240-250. (Invited review)

4. Wei J#, Long L#, Zheng W, Dhungana Y, Lim S, Guy C, Wang Y, Wang Y-D, Qian C, Xu B, KC A, Saravia J, Huang H, Yu J, Doench JG, Geiger TL, Chi H. (2019) Targeting REGNASE-1 programs long-lived effector T cells for cancer therapy. Nature, 576(7787):471-476 (Selected by News and Views, Nature, 576(7787):392-393, 2019; Selected by Research Highlights, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 19:91, 2020; Selected by Research Highlight, Nature Immunology, 21:103, 2020; F1000 recommended article)

5. Wei J, Long L, Yang K, Guy C, Shrestha S, Chen Z, Wu C, Vogel P, Neale G, Green DR, Chi H. (2016) Autophagy enforces functional integrity of regulatory T cells by coupling environmental cues and metabolic homeostasis. Nature Immunology, 17(3):277-85. (Cover Story; Selected by Research Highlights, Nature Reviews Immunology, 16(4):203, 2016)

6. Wei J#, Yang K#, Chi H. (2014) Cutting edge: Discrete functions of mTOR signaling in invariant NKT cell development and NKT17 fate decision. The Journal of Immunology, 193(9):4297-4301.

7. Xia S#, Wei J#, Wang J, Sun H, Zheng W, Li Y, Sun Y, Zhao H, Zhang S, Wen T, Zhou X, Gao JX, Wang P, Wu Z, Zhao L, Yin Z. (2014) A requirement of dendritic cell-derived interleukin-27 for the tumor infiltration of regulatory T cells. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 95(5):733-742.

8. Wei J#, Xia S#, Sun H, Zhang S, Wang J, Zhao H, Wu X, Chen X, Hao J, Zhou X, Zhu Z, Gao X, Gao JX, Wang P, Wu Z, Zhao L, Yin Z. (2013) Critical role of dendritic cell-derived IL-27 in antitumor immunity through regulating the recruitment and activation of NK and NKT cells. The Journal of Immunology, 191(1):500-8.

9. Wei J#, Wang H#, Zhu M, Ding D, Li D, Yin Z, Wang L, Yang Z. (2013) Janus nanogels of PEGylated Taxol and PLGA-PEG-PLGA copolymer for cancer therapy. Nanoscale, 5(20):9902-7.

10. Wang H#, Wei J#, Yang C, Zhao H, Li D, Yin Z, Yang Z. (2012) The inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis by self-assembled nanofibers of taxol. Biomaterials, 33(24):5848-53.